Glenwood: A Community Jewel

About the Glenwood Neighborhood Association

The Glenwood Neighborhood Association is the administrative arm for the historic Glenwood Neighborhood on the east side of downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The Core Objectives of the Glenwood Neighborhood Association are as follows:

1) Physical Revitalization - Overseeing the management of community green spaces, signs, and markers.  Planning and organizing a community-wide clean-up events.  Assisting residents in obtaining resources for home improvement.

2) Social Revitalization - Planning and organizing social events for the neighborhood.  Extending kindness and charitable assistance to members, residents, and others.  Committee will aid residents and members with condolences, flowers, and cards.  Handle and give away baskets to welcome new residents or any other occasion the Association designates.

3) Neighborhood Safety - Collaborating with local law enforcement on safety issues related to the neighborhood. Assist in obtaining resources to combat crime.

4) Community Empowerment - Coordinate and oversee the Block Leader program. Develop and oversee membership drive and fund raising for the Association.  Market the neighborhood through various public relations mediums.  Collaborate with the City of Chattanooga to protect Glenwood's zoning status.
